Frequently Asked Questions Ambrose Chiropractic Care - Tuggerah
Q: Can you fix my...?
Chiropractic is useful for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems including neck pain, back pain and some types of headaches. Extremity joints such as the shoulder, hip, knee and elbow and their musculature can also be treated. If you have questions about your particular condition feel free to call us and ask. We are equippedwith a wide range of skills, and knowledge that gives us a significant 'Tool kit' to address a variety of problems.
People from all walks of life benefit from Chiropractic care: athletes to improve performance, trades people to remain strong and flexible, office workers to reduce stress and improve workplace ergonomics and comfort, mums and kids to assist normal growth and development.
Q: What are the fees?
Initial Consultation Examination and Treatment $87.00
Subsequent Long Consultation and Treatment $77.00
Subsequent Regular Consultation and Treatment $67.00
Any alteration of our fees on a case by case basis is entirely at our discretion and reflect our many years of education, ongoing education, clinical experience and expertise.
Q: What can I expect?
A thorough consultation and examination will help to discover the cause of any problems you have that we may be able to help you with. If we feel that treatment is appropriate it will commence on your first visit, however unusual findings may prompt us to refer you for further evaluation such as an X-Ray or Scan, or to another health professional that is more suited to your particular concern.
Treatments are comprehensive and thorough, and most often consists of the most appropriate application of one or a combination of the following: joint and or muscle manipulation stretching or mobilization, various massage techniques, acupuncture/dry needling, deep vibration therapy, electro-physical therapy, as well as exercise nutritional and lifestyle advice that may speed your recovery and generally improve wellbeing.
Most problems we can treat are readily identified and will show change within 1-6 sessions, if no change is occurring we will either evaluate a different strategy or refer you to another health professional who may assist.
This allows you five visits to an allied health professional, the cost of which is rebated by Medicare by $52.95 via our merchant terminal connection to Medicare. The remainder of the payment you are responsible for will vary according to your treatment requirements, anywhere from $32.05 to $12.05.
EPC plans are to be completed by your Doctor and must be specifically referred to Wayne Ambrose Chiropractor Provider # 2539859X for use in our office.
Following treatment we will write to your Doctor and report on your progress.
Q: Do you provide treatment for WorkCover (Worker's Compensation)?
Yes, however a referral from your Doctor who is is approved by WorkCover or DVA is required in order for us to bill them directly.
Q: How often should I receive Chiropractic care?
Initially, Recommendations for frequency and duration of care are determined by your: health history and goals, current physical condition, Chiropractic examination and X Rays/scans.
Most often, several visits over a short period are recommended initially for best results, as most conditions develop unnoticed over many months or years, and often symptoms only surface when your body is finally overwhelmed by the situation, many changes can occur within the body that may require time and attention in order to fully rehabilitate.
Visits are usually tapered once an acceptable level of improvement has been reached, and exercises and or nutritional/lifestyle recommendations have been made to assist in your recovery and the prevention of future problems.
In our experience those who are active, have stressful occupations and lifestyles, or want to be their very best, often find that a schedule of regular visits assists them in maintaining better function and reduces the likelyhood of a relapse.
Q: Is Chiropractic safe?
In the words of the New Zealand Government’s Inquiry, Chiropractic care is “remarkably safe.” Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. “By the end of the of the inquiry we found ourselves irresistibly and with complete unanimity drawn to the conclusion that modern chiropractic is a soundly-based and valuable branch of the health care in a specialized area…”
Techniques are chosen to suit your particular situation, and most people find the relief provided by Chiropractic allows for a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
In over 10 years of continual professional practice, using a variety of methods, and thousands of patient visits, our Chiropractor has never knowingly had a serious adverse event.
Q: Is Chiropractic suitable for children and seniors?
Chiropractic has been shown through industry and community experience to be suitable for both children and seniors. Techniques are specifically chosen or modified to suit growing or more mature bodies.
Q: Can I still benefit from Chiropractic if I am pregnant?
Pregnancy produces postural and mechanical changes in your structure that can result in a range of symptoms, and ensuring your spine and pelvis are well aligned and mobile may assist in a more comfortable birth. Research shows that Chiropractic is a safe and effective solution for pregnancy related back pain. Techniques are specifically chosen or modified to suit your changing body, and have been shown clinically to be not only effective but safe for your developing baby. You may safely continue to benefit from Chiropractic from conception, right through until it's almost time to deliver. We find a check soon after you deliver is wise, to ensure your spine can withstand the rigors of early motherhood.
Q: Why is a Chiropractor uniquely qualified to care for my Spine?
Out of any health profession Chiropractors maintain the most extensive education, training, and experience with regard to spinal manual therapy. Chiropractors are also trained to handle a wide range of other musculoskeletal problems with a wide variety of methods at their disposal.
In fact the Chiropractic profession is the only health service provider group with spinal manual therapy as its core education and practice. To minimize, prevent and possibly eliminate risks to the public, Chiropractic education embarks on a very rigorous and extensive educational process, particularly in the application of spinal manual therapy as a treatment form.
Chiropractic training in Australia involves 3 year Undergraduate Degree followed by 2 year Masters Degree University Programs. These courses are of similar length and depth as medical courses, but focus on promoting health through natural means. After entering practice, Australian Chiropractors are also required to undertaken continuing professional development to keep their skills current and stay up-to-date with the latest scientific research.
You can be assured that a Chiropractor is the logical choice for your spinal health care.