University research demonstrates that a wide range of physical and emotional ailments respond well to the various manual therapy modalities that may be included in a Chiropractic treatment (see benefits page above).
What does it cost?
The first visit is $87 and visits thereafter are$77 or $67 depending on duration. If your health fund covers Chiropractic, sessions are rebateable.
How long will it take?
While you may attend on as "as you go" basis and individual results may vary, the description, duration, and frequency of each level of care is described on the "Wellness Programs" pages above, and are recommended for best results.
What happens on my first visit?
You will be welcomed to the centre, fill out some initial visit forms, then you will discuss your requirements with me, I will perform an analysis on your physical structure and tell you what I find. You may then require further tests or referral, or if you are a suitable candidate for this work you will recieve your first session.
What should I wear?
Light, thin, and comfortable clothing is best, particularly pants. Thicker materials such as jeans and pants with pockets etc are not ideal.
What can I expect to experience in the first session?
Light touches will be applied to various areas of your spine, pelvis and tailbone. Following these touches you may feel like breathing deeper for several breaths, and experience a sense that your body is less dense, more spacious or light. Most people notice a significant drop in tension, and you may feel like moving or stretching in various ways. Small involuntary movements are common in the arms or legs, as tension is filtered out through your extremities. Occasionally a gentle waving or rocking movement may develop through your body as early as the first session.
What should I be doing?
Relax and be aware of your breathing, and any sensations or movements that may be developing in your body, If you feel the urge to breath more fully, move or reposition your body, go with it. There are no innapropriate responses, however I may encourage or redirect your movement or breath in different ways to maximise the effects of your session. If you do not notice much at first there is no cause for concern, many changes develop unnoticed in the session. People holding large amounts of unresolved physical or emotional tension, and those who have practiced disciplines such as yoga, or who are naturally more in tune with their bodies, may experience more profound changes sooner.
How will I feel after a session?
Although responses vary, most people feel considerably more relaxed and less concerned, an expansive feeling is common, and many people find they breathe more fully and continue to move and stretch in various ways to release any tension they may be holding for a short while. Occasionally repressed emotions may surface and a feeling of letting go may occur allowing you to unwind chronic tension patterns. Over several sessions you may begin to feel more open, present, connected, and peaceful.
What will I experience over time with regular sessions?
A wide range of excellent benefits result from this work over time, see the pages above for the specific outcomes of each level of care, and researched benefits.